
Do you need actual information about Smogathon 2018? Do you want to keep up with the topics related to smog? Do you need information on technologies that fight air pollution? Follow our blog fot latest news!

07 October 2019

Smogathon in a new formula already in December in Krakow - the registration for the fifth edition of the event has started.

So far, the initiators of Smogathon have organized 15 events in 6 countries, including Brazil, China, India, the United States and the United Kingdom. Smogathon is an initiative aimed at combating air pollution through innovation and technology. This year the organizers invite the best teams from around the world to participate in the hackathon with the use of data, which will take place in the Krakow Technology Park on 7th and 8th December.
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02 September 2019

Interview with Catio2, a finalist of Smogathon 2018

Catio2 it’s an environmental company which created a transparent film which purifies the air using solar or artificial light. This film can be used on windows or walls and it allows people to decrease the disease precursors.
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23 July 2019

Interview with Indrio Technologies, 2nd laureate of Smogathon 2018

Kamila Knap: Can you explain how your technology work? What kind of product and services your company offers? Rito Sur: We make the most compact laser-based sensors for chemical detection and control. We are focusing on making sensors for gas-phase chemicals. Right now, we are developing vehicle exhaust sensors that can be used to reduce NOx emissions by 70%.
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