

There are choosen blog posts below.

Interview with Radic8, 2nd laureate of Smogathon 2017 Global Edition

Richard Greenwood is the founder of Radic8, and the creator of social initiative We Share Clean AirTM. Through this and other campaigns, such as Fight AsthmaTM and CancerairTM, Richard and his team are working hard to protect as many people as possible from the dangers of indoor air pollution.
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08 CZERWCA 2019

Interview with Graviky Labs, finalist of Smogathon 2017 Global Edition.

Nikhil Kaushik, co-founder of Graviky Labs: Anirudh came with the idea of converting candle soot into inks during his stay at MIT Media Lab. Later in 2014 we, Anirudh Sharma and Nikhil Kaushik, ganged to start Graviky Labs with the idea to develop a commercially viable lab where we can innovate outside the university ecosystem. So we started working on two aspects of the idea – a) to develop technologies to capture particulate matter (soot) and b) develop technologies and solutions to use the captured particulate matter as the pigment for making industrial grade inks.
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24 MAJA 2018

Artveoli Smogathon 2017 Global Edition winner gets US and Polish funding

Artveoli, Smogathon 2017 Global Edition Winner, doesn’t slow down! They have received a round of investment from US and Polish investors! It has been only two months since Artveoli won last year’s Smogathon - the world’s biggest competition for air pollution-fighting innovations. And now they have received a strategic round of investment that will help to expand operations in the US and European markets. It will also support them in opening an R&D center in Poland.
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