11 June 2018

Robert Hołyst

Robert Holyst is a principal investigator at the Soft Condensed Matter Group, with extensive experience in leadership and management. He was a member of several research funding committees, incl. ERC panel in Brussels, and the Director of the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He has a very strong record of collaboration with business sector (Mitsui Chemicals Inc., Samsungand Unilever). Also he gave lectures at top scientific Institutions e.g.:in USA -
Harvard, MIT, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Yale, Princeton, Brandeis, Univ. Of Chicago etc., England - Oxford,Cambridge, Germany numerous Max Planck
Institutes, Univeristy of Gottingen, Mainz, Saarbrucken etc., France: Ecole Normale Superieure (Paris,Lyon), Japan - Univeristy of Tokyo, University of Nagoya, also in China, Russia,Canada,Poland. Current research topics: soft matter, biologistics, biological chemistry, statistical physics, environmental science. Web of Science bibliometric data: publications 250 (plus 3 books, one in Springer Verlag 2012), total citations ca 4100, h-index=34; more than 40 patent applications (incl. USA, the Netherlands, Switzerland, China,Russia,Germany). He was a cofounder of 2 spin-off companies (one has reached the stock market). Total grants as PI ~20 Meuro.
