03 December 2019

Piotr Kleczkowski

Professor at AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Poland. His research interests and teaching include environmental protection, specifically air quality, and audio engineering. Former member of the City Council of Cracow. He founded and ran a small innovative firm that manufactured one of the first computer audio interfaces of professional quality. He organised a new major at AGH University – Acoustical Engineering, his students won many prestigious awards in international competitions. He was a visiting professor at Cranfield University in the U.K. Currently he is the Chairman of Polish Section of the Audio Engineering Society, the Coordinator of SELP expert group on environmental protection, a European Commission expert on research programs and a member of  AES Education Committee. He is an author of a number of books on environmental protection, audio engineering and human hearing. His next book, the first interdisciplinary textbook in Poland on the problem of air pollution ”Smog w Polsce” (”Smog in Poland”) (PWN) is to be released in the coming days.
