26 WRZEśNIA 2018

Eduardo Padilha

Scientist and in(ter)disciplinary researcher. Studying at the University of Sao Paulo, he works with Molecular Genetics, Synthetic Biology and explores the intersection between art, philosophy and science. He coordinated the I Biohack Academy by Waag Society in Brazil and has since been involved with Open Hardware and DIY Biology. He has delivered lectures and workshops in Brazil (iMasters/BSidesSP/SPMakerWeek), Chile (GOSH) and USA (iGEM/DigifabCon/MIT/Intel ISEF) and his work in Bioart has been recognized in China, Germany and Greece (TTT - Corfu). Recipient of the Jovens Fora de Série Award (2014), has been awarded prizes in scientific conferences and competitions (iGEM/FEBRACE-USP). 

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