11 June 2018

Kamil Wyszkowski

Kamil Wyszkowski, a Representative and President of the Board of Global Compact Network Poland (GCNP). Since 2002 he has worked in United Nations System. Between 2002 and 2009, in United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) was responsible for international and multilateral cooperation and for the development of programs in Europe and Asia. Under UNDP, he has worked in dozens of countries, implementing development programs based on transfer of knowledge from Poland. He has worked in UNDP headquarters in New York and Bratislava Regional Center (Service Center for the 24 Country Offices in (South-) Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union). Since 2009 to 2014 Director of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Office in Poland. 

Since 2004, a Representative and General Director of Global Compact Network Poland (United Nations Global Compact coordinates the UN system's cooperation with the private sector within the UN Business Action Hub and through the Global Compact programs are created involving business, cities, universities, government, NGOs: more: ungc.org.pl). Since 2011 Director of Know How Hub (established as part of UNDP Poland, currently managed by GCNP).

UN and EU policy expert, in particular in the field of business and administration cooperation as well as mobilization of the private sector to implement the UN development goals and standards. Specialist in development, multilateral and knowledge transfer, climate policy and anti-corruption activities.
