Terms & Conditions

Smogathon 2019
Terms & Conditions

I. General Provisions
1. For the purposes of these Terms & Conditions, the following terms (written with an initial capital letter) shall have the following meanings:
1. Jury or Jury Member: an outstanding expert, recognized specialist in his field, invited to participate in the Competition as a member of the Jury by the Organizer; the full list of Jury Members will be published on the website dedicated to the Event;
2. Final: the organizationally distinguished part of the Competition, constituting its final stage;
3. Competition: a competition or competitions for technological and organizational innovations consisting in the creation of solutions to problem situations presented by the Organizer, carried out as a part of the Event;
4. Organizer: The Flying Mind Foundation, with its registered seat at 100A Jana III Sobieskiego street, flat 17, 00-764 Warsaw, Poland, registered under the KRS number 0000419398, NIP number 6762455794, REGON number 12256134000000, e-mail address: kamila.knap@smogathon.com;
5. Partner or Sponsor: sponsor, media representative or partner providing the place where the Event will be held, included in the partners tab on the website dedicated to the Event;
6. Terms: these Terms & Conditions regulating the rules of conducting the Event and the Competition;
7. Participant: an adult natural person with full legal capacity, who has applied to participate in the Competition;
8. Event: an event popularizing the use of science and innovation for the protection of air and environment Smogathon 2019 with accompanying events and competitions, having a dedicated website available at www.smogathon.com
2. Participation in the Event is free of charge.

II. Application
1. Any natural person who is at least 18 years old and has full legal capacity and a team of 1 to 5 persons, of which at least one member has competence in data analysis may apply to participate in the Event (persons competent in Data analysis are free to apply as individuals).
a. Applications to participate in the Event are evaluated. Not every person applying to participate in the Event will be able to participate in it.
b. Each Participant may apply only once and as a member of only one team during the application to participate in the Event.
c. Only correctly sent applications, submitted in English from 5 pm on 30.09.2019 (GMT + 2) to 11.59 pm on 10.11.2019, using the form on the website available at https://www.smogathon.com/apply will be taken into account. The form should be filled correctly and precisely and should contain an answer to each of the question asked.
d. Only applications that have received a confirmation of application within 48 hours of application will be taken into consideration. Participants who have not received the confirmation should contact the Organizer.
e. Applications will be evaluated by selected professionals, with particular regard to:
i. Professional experience;
ii. Knowledge of the problem of air pollution;
iii. Education;
iv. Experience in participating in similar events;
v. Motivation to participate in the Competition.
2. No later than on 15th November 2019 all Participants will receive a confirmation of qualification to participate in the Event.
3. The Organizer reserves the right to terminate the application process before the deadline specified in § III section 1 point c in case of receiving a sufficient number of applications that meet the selection criteria.
4. The Organizer reserves the right to extend the application process.
5. The Organizer's decisions regarding the evaluation of applications and qualifying applications to participate in the Event are final and are not subject to appeal.
6. Every Participant shall possess a document enabling him or her to enter the country in which the Competition will take place, e.g. a passport. The Organizer is not able to assist Participants in obtaining a visa or other entry permits.

III. Participation in the Event

1. Participants are obliged to behave in a way that does not threaten the safety of others and in particular to comply with the provisions of the Terms and the terms and conditions of the facility, in which the Event will be held.
2. The entire Event lasts over 26 hours, the Participant should be properly prepared and consider whether his physical capabilities allow him or her to participate in the Event.
3. Participants who will be qualified to participate in the Event must be physically present during the Competition which will take place on 7th and 8th December 2019 in Krakow.
4. During the Event the Organizer provides:
a. Beverages and meals including also vegetarian and vegan options;
b. Access to wireless Internet;
c. Work space;
d. Access to sanitary installations (including showers).

IV. Organization of the Competitions

1. Competitions are divided into three stages:
a. Application,
b. Hackathon.
c. Final.
2. During the Event, Competitions will be held in the following categories:
1. Supervision over the Quality of Coal and Fuels;
2. House Heating and Energy Management;
3. Emission Management in Transport;
4. Prevention of Health Effects of Air Pollution;
5. Pollution Monitoring and Forecasting.
3. The exact content of tasks and categories in the Competitions will be announced to the Participants at the start of the Event.
4. The Organizer and Partners may announce new Competitions until the start of the Event.
5. Membership in the Team is decided by other members of the Team, based on the contribution of work to the joint work of the Team.
6. Participants may submit for evaluation solutions to any number of Competitions.
7. Participants who started work not earlier than at the time of an announcement of the full content of the Competitions’ tasks on 7th December 2019 and submitted ready solution no later than by the time specified at the time of announcing the tasks as the end time for sending solutions for assessment may apply for admission to the Final. The time of delivery of the solution to the e-mail address provided by the Organizer is decisive.
8. The Jury assesses the solutions submitted for the evaluation in terms of:
1. Innovation 0-25 points,
2. Possibilities of practical applications (implementation value) 0-25 points,
3. Completeness 0-25 points,
4. Compliance with the content of the task 0-25 points
9. Decisions of the Jury are adopted by a simple majority. In the event of an equality of votes, the decision of the Jury’s chairman, elected by the members of the Jury before the start of the Competition, shall be binding.
10. The Jury’s decisions are final and are not subject to appeal.

V. Final

1. At least three best solutions in each category will be qualified to the Final.
2. The final consists in presenting solutions to the audience gathered during the Event and in answering the questions posed by the Jury.
3. The projects qualified to the Final will be evaluated by the Jury.
4. Five prizes, reffered to in § VI section 1, will be awarded in the Final.
5. One Participant may receive more than one prize.
6. The Jury’s decisions are not subject to appeal.
7. The evaluation criteria in the Finale are:
a. Presentation of the solution explaining its key elements;
b. Comprehensive answer to Jurors' questions;
c. Possibility of real application.

VI. Prize

1. Winners of the Competitions will receive a cash prize of PLN 10,000 gross, which will be reduced by the tax on prizes and shall be equally shared among team members submitting a solution for evaluation.
2. The value of the transferred cash prizes will be reduced by a flat-rate income tax of 10%, which will be paid by the Organizer.
3. The prize may be subject to additional taxation in the Participant's country of residence.
4. Prizes are guaranteed only for the winning teams, however, the Organizer and Partners reserve the right to award distinctions and additional prizes.
5. The cash prize will be paid out no later than on 31st January 2020.
6. If the Implementation Award is granted as a part of the Competition, the prize consists in an opportunity to conclude an agreement to provide products or services related to the solution presented in the Competition. Awarding this prize is dependent on fulfillment of additional requirements specified in the Terms & Conditions of the Implementation Award.
7. The Organizer is not responsible for prizes promised by Partners and Sponsors.
8. In the event that the solutions submitted in one category were rated significantly worse than in others (i.e. the best rated solution in this category achieved a mark at least 20% lower than the average marks for projects qualified for the final in other categories), the Organizer reserves the right not to award a prize in such category.

VII. Intellectual Property

1. By applying, the Participant declares that he or she has all rights, in particular intellectual property rights to the solution, which he or she will present in the Competition and that it will not infringe the rights of third parties and it will be the product of his individual and creative work during the Event.
2. In the event of a false statement made by the Participant regarding rights to the solution, he or she will be immediately excluded from the Competition, without the right to compensation.
3. The Participant is fully liable for any violations of intellectual property rights of third parties.
4. Participants authorize the Organizer to use their names, surnames and image.
5. Participants authorize the Organizer to freely use logos, trademarks, titles and other intangible rights and promotional materials regarding the solution presented during the Competition, also in relation to future editions of the Competition.

VIII. Personal data

The rules regarding processing of personal data in connection with the organization of the Event and Competition are specified in the Privacy Policy.
IX. Claims

1. Participants who violate the rules specified in the Terms, generally applicable laws or act in a manner inconsistent with morality, may be excluded from the Event or Competition by the Organizer without the right to compensation.
2. The Organizer reserves the right to amend the Terms, change prizes or cancel the Competition completely until the start of the Event. The Organizer or any of the Competition Partners shall not be liable for this.
3. The Organizer shall not be liable for any failure to comply with its obligations under these Terms caused by (but not limited to) natural disasters, weather conditions, strike, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, political unrest, loss of connectivity, internet or e-mail failure or any other circumstances beyond the control of the Organizer or Partners.
4. Neither the Organizer nor any of the Partners shall be liable for lost, stolen or damaged property during any Events.

X. Final provisions

1. In case of doubt, the law generally applicable on the territory of the Republic of Poland shall apply.
2. All disputes arising from the Terms and its provisions are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Polish courts, in a place appropriate for the seat of the Organizer. The Participant agrees to comply with Polish regulations, regardless of the country of his or her origin or residence.
3. These Terms shall enter into force on 25th September 2019.