Smogathon 2016: Bootcamp

The initiative continues to develop, and in 2016 we organized Smogathon in the form of a boot camp for teams from all over the world. Over the course of 24 hours, selected projects were assessed and rated by dozens of extremely curious, critical and all-questioning mentors.

Bootcamp - worldwide success

Top 10 projects proceeded to the Grand Finale, where they competed for a $25,000 prize. Overall, 60 teams from 10 countries and three continents applied to take part in the boot camp and half of them were accepted and invited to Krakow.
Amonog Smogathon 2016 Bootcamp experts were:

  • Tadeusz Bara-Slupski (Ministry of Digitization)
  • Jacek Krupa (Marshall of Małopolska)
  • Marton Kis (Uniwersytet Semmelweis)
  • Grzegorz Mazurek (Kozminski University)
  • Fredrik Liljedahl (Start-Up Nation Central, Izrael)
  • Rafał Kulawiak (Contactis Group)
  • Piotr Piela (EY Poland)
  • Piotr Wilam (Innovation Nest)
  • Sławomir Tokarski (European Commission)
  • Richard Lucas (Social entrepreneur)

In numbers

submitted projects
people involved in events
jury members and experts

CityTree - The winner of Smogathon 2016: Bootcamp

The world’s first bio-tech filter to quantifiably improve air quality.

By activating the ventilation system already in place in the construction, airflow can be increased. The CityTree therefore becomes independent of the natural wind flow that can be very different from location to location. The amount of air flowing through can be controlled individually, to suit the respective air pollution situation or also within predefined periods of time during a day. The CityTree’s air filter performance is considerably increased – as is, therefore, the positive effect on the environment in the form of a larger amount of cleaner air. Meet all the Smogathon 2016 finalists.
