Apply and join the game. At least 1 team's member must have competence in data analysis. If your application and background are really good, we will invite you to take part in data hackathon.
Smogathon will provide unique data to help participants and support their projects. Exploit the full potential of data.
Safe the date: (7-8.12.2019, Krakow). Work with your team, be assisted with mentors and create your smog-fighting solutions.
You are one step closer to winning the game. Present your solution in front of jury and compete for 10 000 PLN in each category, 15 000 PLN - Special Prize donated by Allegra, and 60 000 PLN - Special Prize donated by Krakowski Park Technologiczny.
“You can't control what you can't measure”. Monitoring stations may be established to determine background pollution levels. Maybe every man and woman could have a pocket sensor if it is comfortable cheap enough. If you know that it is a smoggy day you can adapt your everyday activity to it. What are the best indoor and outdoor air pollution measurement methods?
Air pollution causes 4,2 million premature deaths worldwide and over 45 thousand in Poland. Not everyone knows but smog decreased quality of life. Prevention is better than cure but not every human lives in the area free of air pollution. What is the available treatment for people affected by pollution? How to relieve symptoms?
How can we reduce emission in transportation? For example, aircraft causes about 3.5% of global warming as a result of all human activities. Are cars as harmful to humans as planes to the planet? Is there any alternative to the vehicles we currently use? How to encourage people to use public transport?
Energy management is a part of a smart, future house. Proper household heating and good optimization can provide an eco-friendly building. The pleasant warm temperature can be provided from different sources but which of them is the best for the environment? What conditions must be met so that the heating could be effective?
Do you have an idea how to effectively regulate issues related to the control of coal and fuel quality? How to start and what technology is the best to use? What stage of control is the number one priority? Use your knowledge and good ideas to make a real solution that enables to supervision of quality of coal and fuel.
Do you have an idea how to improve public transport and communication in the Krakow agglomeration? Do you know what tools to effectively monitor and inform about the level of pollution? Do you want to propose a solution that efficiently identifies the main sources of smog and / or allows you to minimize them?
Selected teams will be invited to talks aimed at financing and implementing the project in one of the municipalities in Małopolska.
Terms & Conditions for granting the Special Prize at Smogathon 2019
Employee of the Air Protection Department
Air Quality Department of the City of Krakow
Graduate of the Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. She completed postgraduate studies in the field of energy audit.
Doctoral student at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. Co-author of national and international publications on air protection in the cement industry and research projects related to air protection. In 2018, editor of the technical journal Open Engineering. He deals with the issue of emissions of pollutants into the air from production processes.
Head of the Air Protection Department
Air Quality Division City Hall of Krakow
Graduate of the Agricultural University in Cracow. Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy.
25 years of experience in work related to the subject matter of gas and dust emission to the atmosphere and air protection in Krakow.
Employee of the Air Protection Department of the Air Quality Department of the City of Krakow Office
Graduate of the Faculty of Mining and Geoengineering of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. She completed studies with a specialization in designing ventilation and air conditioning in industrial buildings. Her diploma thesis was devoted to the use of renewable energy sources in residential buildings. Currently, as an employee of the Air Protection Department of the Air Quality Department, she deals with the emission of gases and dust into the atmosphere and the improvement of air quality.
Graduate of the Faculty of Automation, Electronics and Information Technology at the Silesian University of Technology.
Programming engineer and team leader with 12 years of experience in the IT industry.
For two years in Airly, where he is the main programmer and architect of the platform.
Author of Airly API - programming interface giving live access to measurement data from over 3000 Airly measurement stations and hundreds of state stations across Europe (
Passionate about cloud technologies and IoT. Supporter of fresh and clean air.
Socjolog, posiada 12 lat doświadczenia w zakresie planowania, ewaluacji i implementacji polityk publicznych, szczególnie w obszarach rozwoju regionalnego oraz innowacji. Od 2012 roku odpowiedzialny za projekty oraz rozwój w Krakowskim Parku Technologicznym, od stycznia 2016 – prezes zarządu KPT. Absolwent Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, studiował też przez rok na Uniwersytecie Humboldtów w Berlinie, gdzie równolegle brał udział w programie interdyscyplinarnych studiów europejskich finansowanym przez German National Academic Foundation i Hertie Foundation. Po studiach pracował w Wyższej Szkole Europejskiej im. ks. Józefa Tischnera, ucząc socjologii, prowadząc badania oraz koordynując Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej. W 2011 i 2012 roku był doradcą Ministra Sprawiedliwości w obszarze deregulacji oraz Marszałka Województwa Małopolskiego w zakresie polityki regionalnej. Współautor wielu ekspertyz i raportów badawczych, w zakresie edukacji, rozwoju regionalnego oraz polityki innowacji.
Menadżer z doświadczeniem w sektorze finansowym oraz FMCG, w zakresie product placement dla koncernu Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd. Od 2008 roku aktywnie współpracuje z sektorem publicznym. Pracowała z Małopolskim Urzędzie Wojewódzkim, odpowiedzialna za analizy gospodarcze, współpracę z inwestorami oraz temat partnerstwa publiczno-prywatnego. Koordynatorka projektu SMART_KOM. Kraków w sieci inteligentnych miast, finansowanego z MRPO 2007-2017 oraz projektów międzynarodowych Transnational Technology Transfer Agents finansowanego z Erasmus+ oraz SISCODE z Horyzontu 2020. Koordynatorka badań w ramach Kraków Living Lab - autorka i współautorka między innymi raportów pilotażu usługi living lab na zlecenie UMWM, testów aplikacji Pielgrzym na Światowe Dni Młodzieży 2016 r. czy projektu Kraków-Wrocław LivingLab. Absolwentka Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego oraz studiów podyplomowych w zakresie rozwoju regionalnego i MŚP. Koordynator projektu SISCODE.
Charubala Seshadri serves as a global marketing director in the Respiratory category in GSK Consumer Healthcare, and is based in Nyon, Switzerland. Previously, she has held leadership roles in India, and worked with diverse countries in Europe, Africa and Asia.
Charubala has been one of the founding members of The Clean Breathing Institute. Her passion to help people breathe better quality air is not merely professional. It stems from having spent years in New Delhi, India, and seen the visible impact of deteriorating air quality on her family and the community.
Professor at AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Poland. His research interests and teaching include environmental protection, specifically air quality, and audio engineering. Former member of the City Council of Cracow. He founded and ran a small innovative firm that manufactured one of the first computer audio interfaces of professional quality. He organised a new major at AGH University – Acoustical Engineering, his students won many prestigious awards in international competitions. He was a visiting professor at Cranfield University in the U.K. Currently he is the Chairman of Polish Section of the Audio Engineering Society, the Coordinator of SELP expert group on environmental protection, a European Commission expert on research programs and a member of AES Education Committee. He is an author of a number of books on environmental protection, audio engineering and human hearing. His next book, the first interdisciplinary textbook in Poland on the problem of air pollution ”Smog w Polsce” (”Smog in Poland”) (PWN) is to be released in the coming days.
Strategic communications consultant for behavior change campaigns. Knowledge management for development expert. 2011-2018 World Bank and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine communications consultant for a large behavior change campaign for WASH in Tanzania. Coordinator of the World Bank’s Tanzania 2012 edition of the global Sanitation Hackathon. Passionate about human-centered design. Worked on planning and implementation of evidence-based communication and programme activities for development projects in several countries. Organized a charity auction for a street children home in Uganda. 2006-2010 Polish Radio reporter and correspondent from East Africa.
Debra has a degree in chemistry from the University of Birmingham (UK) and has been with Johnson Matthey since 2004. She has worked across many of the JM businesses, leading research projects ranging from automotive emissions control and waste to clean fuels solutions to natural gas, syngas and air purification. Debra is responsible for developing JM’s innovation ecosystems worldwide and implementing their Open Innovation Strategy. Last year she led a pilot accelerator programme with a UK University, and she is currently exploring OI tools including Hackathons, incubator and venturing. Johnson Matthey’s areas of interest are currently around air purification and technologies for net zero emissions.
Adam Stec – graduate of the Financial Mathematics at the Gdansk University of Technology. He has been working as analyst for STU ERGO Hestia SA for over 3 years where in the last few months he has been involved in the Data Science projects.
Graduate of AGH University of Science and Technology. Currently employed in Institute of Meteorology and Water Management. He's involved in forecasting air quality in Cracow and Lesser Poland Voivodeship (Forecasting of Air Pollution Propagation System – FAPPS).
She comes from Krakow - Nowa Huta. Master's degree in environmental protection, graduate of the Jagiellonian University. At IMGW-PIB employed as a scientific assistant, currently at the Satellite Remote Sensing Department, previously at the Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere Department, and at the Air Pollution Monitoring and Modeling Department. PhD student at the Department of Climatology IGiGP UJ. She conducts research on the climate of urban areas, in particular the phenomenon of the urban heat island and the impact of weather conditions on emissions and air quality. Co-investigator of national and international projects. Co-author of scientific publications.
A graduate of physics at the Jagiellonian University. She has been working at IMGW since 1989, first at the Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere Department, and now as a senior researcher at the Air Pollution Modeling Department. She deals with the topic of the relationship between air quality and meteorological conditions, author of over thirty publications in this field. She took part in many national and international projects (KLIMAT, MONITAIR, AIR SILESIA, projects related to European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Actions 715, 719, 720, 728 and 733). Head of the NCBiR project, which result is Forecasting of Air Pollution Propagation System (FAPPS) for Krakow and Lesser Poland (
Low Latency Communications specialist in hub:raum - technical incubator of T-Mobile, Master of Science in Electronics and Telecommunications at AGH University of Science and Technology, creator of ExoGecko startup dedicated to interaction with virtual reality. He has worked with telecommunications giants such as Cisco, Huawei, Nokia, and now T-Mobile. He develops 5G and Mobile Edge Computing solutions on a daily basis, supporting the industrial and ICT sector with his expertise and commitment. He has been involved in data analytics for a long time, he implements it as a part of all his projects combining practice with science while creating new solutions. In his free time he likes to prototype and travel, tasting reality through experience.
Piotr is a software architect at the IBM laboratory in Kraków, with over 12 years of commercial experience. Currently he focuses on IT infrastructure management, tools to audit software licenses and identify risks associated with the use of unauthorized software. He is passionate about all kinds of technologies, including cyber-security, BI and IoT. Member of the Polish Committee for Standardization.
Chief specialist in the Environmental Monitoring Department of the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection. For almost 20 years she has been involved in the monitoring and assessment of air quality within the framework of State Environmental Monitoring. She supervised the creation of the system of collecting, transmitting and making available data on air quality, including the database of air quality of the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection, the new version of the database air quality portal and mobile application "Air quality in Poland". National administrator air quality databases of the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection and the coordinator of air quality assessment in Poland. Responds to the implementation of the European Union law in Poland in the field of air quality assessment system and for the reporting of air quality data to the European Commission.
VFE is the seed stage Venture Capital fund with 4 M PLN investment ticket. What we invest in are projects from following areas:
- Innovative software/hardware that makes the Earth/Air/water cleaner.
- New business models supporting a growth of the life quality and work conditions.
- Products/services significantly enhancing ergonomic and efficacy in specific area.
There is nothing greater than supporting Big Ideas, and foremost Exceptional Teams in reaching the market, especially if their goal is to do something good for Earth. As the Investment Manager, I have the pleasure to participate in this fantastic process, thanks to which I see on daily basis, how innovative ventures are being created. This often means learning together and building experiences, the conclusions of which are sometimes surprising, but always useful in the context of business modeling and avoiding mistakes.
Experienced Project Manager and Scrum Master. Design Thinking Moderator. I combine analytical competence with a passion for Agile.
Damian Zięba born on 7.05.1985 in Strzyżów. Currently a PhD student at the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. During the Master’s degree he was involved in the measurement of trace gases in the atmosphere. During the Master’s degree, he did internships at the Polish Polar Station of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Hornsund, Svalbard). the practitioner was responsible for the installation of Lidar, a device used to measure dust in the atmosphere. From August 2017. works in the Krakow Smog Alert as a specialist of air quality measurement.
Starszy specjalista ds. administrowania bazą danych o jakości powietrza i wspomagania ocen jakości powietrza w RWMŚ w Krakowie w Głównym Inspektoracie Ochrony Środowiska. Pracę w rozpoczęła w 2014 roku od prowadzenia wojewódzkiej bazy emisji zanieczyszczeń do powietrza. Obecnie do jej zakresu obowiązków należą zadania związane z monitoringiem jakości powietrza: administrowanie wojewódzką bazą danych JPOAT, nadzór nad transmisją danych z poziomu wojewódzkiego na krajowy, lokalizowanie stacji pomiarowych monitoringu jakości powietrza.
Kierownik Krajowego Laboratorium Referencyjnego do spraw jakości powietrza atmosferycznego Głównego Inspektoratu Ochrony Środowiska. Od ponad 20 lat zajmujący się pomiarami jakości powietrza wykonywanymi w ramach Państwowego Monitoringu Środowiska. Zapewniający nadzór nad jakością pomiarów wykonywanych w sieciach monitoringu jakości powietrza. Przedstawiciel Polski w sieci krajowych laboratoriów referencyjnych Unii Europejskiej - AQUILA. Kierownik projektu realizowanego ze środków POIŚ, mającego na celu doposażenie sieci monitoringowych w sprzęt pomiarowo-badawczy.
Piotr Łyczko, Deputy Director of the Department of the Environment in the Marshal Office of the Malopolska Region. He has experience working in public administration and dealing with air quality, environmental permits, waste management and eco-management systems. Project manager of the LIFE Integrated Project “LIFE-IP MALOPOLSKA”, which focuses on air quality with the participation of over 60 co-beneficiaries. Air quality expert in the TAIEX instrument by European Commission.
GSK aims to bring differentiated, high-quality and needed healthcare products to as many people as possible, with 3 global businesses, scientific and technical know-how and talented people.
Within GSK, as External innovation Director I always seek and evaluate science-based innovations related to Healthcare to accelerate innovation within Respiratory Health and Pain Relief. I am passionate about connecting innovative thinkers and hunting the exciting next big findings to fulfil day to day consumers ‘health issues. I hold a master's degree in Pharmacy and Nutrition, an Information and Communication sciences PhD. By partnering with other innovators, let's create a currency of ideas and bring them together to market at a faster pace.
My daily work thrives collaboration between pharma, medtech, medical devices companies. All innovation collaborations aim win-win deep technical and scientific discussions and assessments to sustain a partnership and to launch a product including a co-innovation. Regulatory is key and challenging as we are upfront the market of tomorrow.
Agnieszka Chudzińska is an assistant at the Studio of Contemporary Architecture, Interiors and Industrial Forms of the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology. Agnieszka received his Master of Architecture from WUT in 2016. Currently working on PHD dissertation on smog removal with the help of architecture. Active architect, co-owner of Arch Vis Studio, author of graduation tower designs, single-family buildings and interiors. From 2017 member of the Mazovian Regional Chamber of Architects.
Alumnus of Faculty of Physics and applied Computer Science. He defended his PhD thesis in topics related to analytical methods in hydrology. He works on topics related to a problem of greenhouse gas emission and air quality. He focuses mainly on measurement and possibilities of its development. He is an author of innovative solutions in that matter.
Doświadczony pracownik administracji samorządowej. Absolwent Wydziału Leśnego na Uniwersytecie Rolniczym im. H. Kołłątaja. Ukończył także studia podyplomowe w zakresie zarządzania w administracji publicznej w Małopolskiej Szkole Administracji Publicznej Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie, szacowania nieruchomości na Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej, a także projektowania ogrodów i terenów zieleni przy Uniwersytecie Rolniczym i Politechnice Krakowskiej. Przez cały czas związany z Krakowską zielenią, początkowo jako inspektor, a następnie kierownik Wydziału Kształtowania Środowiska Urzędu Miasta Krakowa gdzie zajmował się sprawami ochrony zieleni, obecnie w ZZM odpowiada za jej utrzymanie. Od stycznia br. pełni także obowiązki Miejskiego Architekta Krajobrazu w Krakowie.
Niezależny konsultant z ponad 20-letnim doświadczeniem zawodowym w branży IT. Pomaga klientom w zagadnieniach związanych z analizą danych, systemami BI, big data, uczeniem maszynowym, chmurą i poprawą wydajności. Członek zarządu i lider śląskiego oddziału stowarzyszenia Data Community Poland. Prelegent na konferencjach krajowych i międzynarodowych. Z zamiłowania programista, w wolnych chwilach żegluje po morzach.
Kamil Wyszkowski, a Representative and President of the Board of Global Compact Network Poland (GCNP). Since 2002 he has worked in United Nations System. Between 2002 and 2009, in United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) was responsible for international and multilateral cooperation and for the development of programs in Europe and Asia. Under UNDP, he has worked in dozens of countries, implementing development programs based on transfer of knowledge from Poland. He has worked in UNDP headquarters in New York and Bratislava Regional Center (Service Center for the 24 Country Offices in (South-) Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union). Since 2009 to 2014 Director of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Office in Poland.
Since 2004, a Representative and General Director of Global Compact Network Poland (United Nations Global Compact coordinates the UN system's cooperation with the private sector within the UN Business Action Hub and through the Global Compact programs are created involving business, cities, universities, government, NGOs: more: Since 2011 Director of Know How Hub (established as part of UNDP Poland, currently managed by GCNP).
UN and EU policy expert, in particular in the field of business and administration cooperation as well as mobilization of the private sector to implement the UN development goals and standards. Specialist in development, multilateral and knowledge transfer, climate policy and anti-corruption activities.